Support Tech Students

Give back to Tech by supporting current Yellow Jackets! We have a variety of ways for you to get involved at Tech and help with the professional development of a current GT Student. Host a dinner, become a mentor, or volunteer at student events – all these volunteer options give you the opportunity to share your knowledge, deepen your leadership skills, and give back to your alma mater.

Dinner Jackets is an opportunity for alumni to connect with current Georgia Tech Students, learn about the current campus climate, and provide experience and life perspective for future alumni.

Volunteer for on-campus events and help the Student Alumni Association foster the connection between Tech students and alumni. We need alumni volunteers for several student events throughout the year. Email to learn about upcoming opportunities.

Mentor Jackets connects alumni and current Georgia Tech students in mutually fulfilling mentoring relationships focused on academic, personal, and professional goals.
Support future Yellow Jackets by offering up your time and expertise at Networking Night! This event happens once a semester. Check out the gtalumni calendar to view the sign up for the next one!